Disclosure log

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, ANU is required to publish a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists documents which have been released in response to FOI access requests in accordance with the requirements of the FOI Act. For documents released from 1 January 2021, the disclosure log will contain the documents released under FOI. For access to documents released prior to 1 January 2021, please send an email to foi@anu.edu.au.

Agencies are required to publish details of documents released under the FOI Act within ten working days of an applicant being given access to the documents.

The disclosure log requirement does not apply to documents released under the FOI Act containing personal or business information that ANU considers would be unreasonable to publish.

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Date postedANU referenceRequest detailsDocuments released
30 June 2021 202100054

The Agenda Summary for the ANU Council Meeting on 28 May 2021.

10 May 2021 202100040

The full agenda summary available to Council members for the meeting in April 2021.

10 May 2021 202100036

The full agenda summaries available to Council members for the meetings in December 2020 and February 2021.

22 April 2021 202100031

Emails received by the Dean of Students between 10-26 March 2021 from students on the subject of the Don't Shoot the Messenger show at the aMBUSH Gallery.

15 April 2021 202100008 and 202100027

Documents regarding findings of ANU's review into the Graduate Certificate of Data Engineering as a response to student feedback. 

25 March 2021 202100025

Documents regarding ANU's compliance with the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014 from 2016-2019.

23 March 2021 2021000016

Documents regarding ANU's procurement and/or acquisition of cardboard cut-outs depicting ANU Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor as displayed on University Avenue near the Di Riddell Building on the 8th of February 2021.

16 March 2021 202100007

1. Correspondence and associated documents between the ANU and the ANU Union regarding the creation of an Asset Management Plan for the Union in 2013. Date range is from 1 May to 31 December 2013.


2. Correspondence and associated documents, notes, and minutes from a meeting between the ANU Union Chair and ANU Planning Division in 2013.


3. Submissions from the ANU Union for a Repair and Maintenance Grant in 2014. Date range is from 1 April to 31 December 2014.


4. Correspondence, notes, minutes and documents between the Executive Director Admin and Planning (EDAP) and the ANU Union Board in the years 2014 and 2015 relating to repairs and maintenance of buildings occupied by the ANU Union.

16 March 2021 202100002

1. Reviews, reports, presentations or any other similar document relating to incidents that occurred at Burgmann College, St. Johns College, and Dickson Parking Station on 26 September 2019 and 28 September 2019.

2. Documents held by Facilities and Services regarding the aforementioned incident.

16 March 2021 202100004

1. Correspondence and associated documents, notes, and minutes from a meeting between the ANU Union Chair and DÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ (Marnie Hughes-Warrington) regarding Academic Dress and SSAF in 2013.


2. All SSAF bids submitted by the ANU Union to the ANU since the introduction of SSAF in October 2011 and the Unions formal dissolution in January 2020.


3. The minutes, agenda, relevant correspondence and associated documents of a meeting between Tom Lingafelter, then Chair of the ANU Union's Finance Committee, and EDAP Chris Grange between January-July 2016 to discuss the SSAF process.


4. Any correspondence and minutes of a meeting between representatives of the ANU Union and Pro Vice-Chancellor Richard Baker on 9 February 2016 to discuss ANU Union's SSAF bid for 2017.