Disclosure log

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, ANU is required to publish a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists documents which have been released in response to FOI access requests in accordance with the requirements of the FOI Act. For documents released from 1 January 2021, the disclosure log will contain the documents released under FOI. For access to documents released prior to 1 January 2021, please send an email to foi@anu.edu.au.

Agencies are required to publish details of documents released under the FOI Act within ten working days of an applicant being given access to the documents.

The disclosure log requirement does not apply to documents released under the FOI Act containing personal or business information that ANU considers would be unreasonable to publish.

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Date postedANU referenceRequest detailsDocuments released
13 April 2023 202200059
  • Documents detailing the number of students this year who received ANU Residential Scholarships for 2023 in all ANU Accommodation Properties (Including all Halls and Lodges).
  • Documents relating to the criteria that these scholarships were based on.
  • Documents explaining the reasons these people were chosen.
  • Documents identifying the breakup of successful scholars based on their academic year (or semesters of coursework undertaken at the university) at time of application.
  • Any correspondence relating to this FOI Request
  • Date Range of Documents being requested: 20


13 April 2023 202200042

'Median and maximum marks for the course LAWS1201 Foundations of Australian Law S1-2022 (e.g. 70, 99). Date range for the documents being requested: 2022 Semester 1'


13 November 2022 202200031

'I request access to copies of the following documents: emails, correspondence or any other documents related to the appointment of George Brandis as a professor at ANU, including all documents recording contact between Mr Brandis and the University regarding any employment opportunity.

Date range for the documents being requested: 2 years'


03 November 2022 202200024

(1) All internal memos, meeting notes, and correspondences (including emails) by and/or between Bruce Hall administration, the residential experience team, and the university regarding  the cancellation of Social Events at Bruce hall for an indefinite period of time as of March 21st 2022.


(2) Financial documents memos and emails regarding the intended use of funding that was put aside for bruce hall social  events that were subsequently cancelled.


    Date range for the documents being requested: 15/03/2022 - 28/4/2022


03 November 2022 202200028
  1. Emails, letters, memos, reports and other written communications between Professor Sally Wheeler, Mr Phillip Tweedie and Professor Andrew Macintosh, relating to the negotiation, terms, scope, approval and signing of the Research Services Agreement between the ANU and Frontier Economics.
  2. Emails, letters, memos, reports and other written communications between Professor Sally Wheeler, Mr Phillip Tweedie, Professor Andrew Macintosh and Deirdre Rose of Frontier  Economics relating to the writing of and satisfactory completion of the "Comparing the value of alternative uses of native forests in Southern NSW" report.

3.     Emails, letters, memos, reports and other documents written by Professor Macintosh relating to the performance evaluation of the Research Services Agreement as set out in Section 21  of the Agreement.

    4.     Emails, letters, memos, reports and other written communications between Professor Sally Wheeler, Mr Phillip Tweedie and Professor Andrew Macintosh and the donor of the funding "to support research on the greenhouse and economic impacts of stopping native forest harvesting in the Southern Forest Region of New South Wales," as set out in Schedule 1 of the Research Services Agreement.

    5.     Any other documents, including agreements relating to the donation of the funding for the above report.

    6.     Emails, letters, memos, reports and other written communications between Professor Sally Wheeler, Mr Phillip Tweedie and Professor Andrew Macintosh, that detail any reasons why, the ANU College of Law initiated and managed the Research Services Agreement, instead of the work being undertaken by the ANU Research School of Economics.   

    Date range for the documents being requested: 1 January 2021 - 31 December 2021


17 October 2022 202200011

Total number of early offers for the 2021 and 2022 academic years

The number of early offers to ANU by school for the 2021 and 2022 academic years

The number of early offers to ANU by postcode for the 2021 and 2022 academic years

Date range for the documents being requested: 2020-2022.


17 October 2022 202200023

I would be very grateful if you can kindly provide the following data for the 2021/22 admission cycle (i.e. 2021 fall intake):


1. List of all postgraduate taught programmes

2. Numbers of all applications (for each specific programme)

3. Numbers of all offers made (for each specific programme)

4. Numbers of Chinese nationality applications (for each specific programme)

5. Numbers of Chinese nationality offers made (for each specific programme)


17 October 2022 202200012

'1. Budget or funding application documents for the project that led to the report 'Comparing the value of alternative uses of native forests in Southern NSW'

 2. Correspondence between Andrew Macintosh and Frontier Economics staff about the objectives, scope, outline and content of the report, 'Comparing the value of alternative uses of native forests in Southern NSW', not including drafts of the report.

Date Range: 1 October 2020 to 21 December 2021.'


17 October 2022 202200016

'In March of each of the years specified, how many pastoral care staff were employed by the ANU in residential halls?  Of that number, how many pastoral care staff were employed in  each specific role at ANU colleges    (e.g. How many Senior Residents, how many Community Coordinators, how many Counsellors, etc)


 In March of each of the years specified, how many students were living in residential halls at the ANU?  If possible, how many pastoral care staff will be hired to work at the new SA8 development when it opens? Date range for the documents being requested: March 1 2016 - March 1 2022.'


17 October 2022 202200010

'The number of residential students in quarantine due to a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, broken out by residence and whether they are still in their usual

place of residence or are in a suitable quarantine location. Date range for the documents being requested: 21 Feb 2022.