Disclosure log

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, ANU is required to publish a disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists documents which have been released in response to FOI access requests in accordance with the requirements of the FOI Act. For documents released from 1 January 2021, the disclosure log will contain the documents released under FOI. For access to documents released prior to 1 January 2021, please send an email to foi@anu.edu.au.

Agencies are required to publish details of documents released under the FOI Act within ten working days of an applicant being given access to the documents.

The disclosure log requirement does not apply to documents released under the FOI Act containing personal or business information that ANU considers would be unreasonable to publish.

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Date postedANU referenceRequest detailsDocuments released
30 June 2016 201600015C

Any written documents, emails, reports, records, meeting notes, correspondence or memoranda produced during the period 1 January 2015 to present by:

  • The Hon Gareth Evans AC QC
  • Professor Brian Schmidt AC FAA FRS
  • 3rd party
  • 3rd party
  • Professor Tim Senden
  • 3rd party
  • 3rd party
  • 3rd party
  • 3rd party
  • Mr Chris Grange
  • the Australian National University Campus Planning Committee
  • the Australian National University Major Projects Joint Sub-Committee
  • the Office of Vice Chancellor of the Australian National University
  • in relation to:
  • the development, demolition and/or reconstruction of Bruce Hall
  • the development and/or extension of University Avenue to Clunies Ross Street
  • the development and/or construction of a new hall of residence along Daley Road, except those documents relating primarily to the recently constructed SA5 building
  • the ten alternative sites reported by the Vice Chancellor to have been considered by the Australian National University for the development of a new hall of residence along Daley Road. You refer to the Vice Chancellor's blog postdated 10 March 2016 in which he stated "The University looked at the car park sites both north and of the existing Bruce Hall site. Both sites have deficiencies such as planning height restrictions, difficult shapes and light and shade issues. Over 10 different site placements and configurations were evaluated, and the existing Bruce Hall site offered the best design options."
25 May 2016 201600008C
  • Records documenting the breakdown of costs associated with conducting the review of the School of Culture, History and Language (CHL). Documents should include costs associated with: academic review, self-study, external review, CHL professional and academic staff hours of involvement in the review, and any other costs associated with the CHL review and change management plan.
19 May 2016 201600009C
  • All government permits authorising the destruction of kangaroos at the Kioloa, ANU from January 2015 to present.
  • All application forms requesting permits to kill kangaroos at the Australian National University Kioloa campus from January 2015 to present.
  • All documents relating to the number of kangaroos killed at ANU including the number of males, females and joeys, from January 2015 to present.
  • All documents relating to the cull of kangaroos at ANU from September 2015 to present.
21 April 2016 201600012C
  • Financial documents produced from 2015 to this date, including contracts or agreements, between the Centre for Arab & Islamic Studies and the government of Saudi Arabia.
  • Documents produced from 2015 to this date, indicating whether staff of the Centre for Arab & Islamic Studies are paid for by the government of Saudi Arabia.
  • Documents produced from 2015 to this date, indicating whether staff of the Centre for Arab & Islamic Studies are used under any co-operative arrangement with the government of Saudi Arabia.
06 March 2016 201600004C
  • Documents, reports, data, statistics and correspondence in relation to the research grant provided for the Ausflag survey study carried out by the University of Western Sydney and administered by the Australian National University
18 February 2016 201600002C
  • Documents containing the number of surface permits provided/sold by the university and the number of spaces on university campus for surface parking for the years 2014, 2015 and 2016
09 June 2015 201500014C
  • Minutes of the 423rd meeting of the University Council held at 8.30m on Friday, 5 December 2014 in the R C Mills Room, Chancelry Building, ANU campus, Canberra including deleted sections marked by asterisks (****) at Items 6.1, 9 and 32. (Doc. 1381/2014).
01 April 2015 201500011C
  • A copy of any PhD thesis that researches transparency or FOI legislation in ANU
26 March 2015 201500009C
  • Documents relating to financial transactions of money transferred between Photo Access Inc and the ANU School of Art Photomedia Department, from 2003 to 2014
01 March 2015 201500005C
  • Deposit records (bank statements) for the years 2004 to 2014 inclusive, from the Photomedia Department account, ANU School of Arts