Canberra Day Public Holiday

Canberra Day is a public holiday in Australia held annually on the second Monday in March in the Australian Capital Territory(ACT) and the Jervis Bay Territory (JBT) to celebrate the official naming of Canberra. 





24-hour emergency assistance (police, fire, ambulance)

000 or 112 (GSM mobiles)


Police service where there is no immediate danger131 444


24-hour mental health emergency access & support

1800 629 354 or 6205 1065
ANU Wellbeing and Support LineAvailable 24 hours, 7 days a week including public holidays

Phone 1300 050 327

or text 0488 884 170

24-hour telephone counselling and crisis support13 11 14

24-hour crisis line for people aged 5-25 years

1800 551 800


24-hour crisis counselling and call back1300 659 467

24-hour domestic violence crisis assistance6280 0900

24-hour national sexual assault & domestic violence crisis counselling line1800 737 732
Provides Australia-wide anonymous, LGBTI peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships. 1800 184 527 (3pm to midnight, Monday - Sunday).
Provides free crisis lines, counselling, advocacy and community education for people who have experienced any form of sexual abuse.

(02) 6247 2525

0488 586 517 (SMS only)

(7am - 11pm)

24-hour telephone counselling & support for men1300 78 99 78

24-hour medical & health advice line staffed by registered nurses

1800 022 222 or 6207 7777


24-hour advice by medical professionals on acute or chronic poisoning131 126

Date and Times



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