Changes to your supervisory panel

Any changes to your supervisory panel must be approved by your Delegated Authority.

There are circumstances under which you, or your panel members, may request changes to your supervisory arrangements. 

Normally, you would seek advice from your supervisor or Head of Department. You might also discuss the matter with your Delegated Authority, the Dean of Students and in some circumstances you may want to contact the Postgraduate & Research Students Association (PARSA).

Some changes in your study arrangements can have implications for your supervision. For example, if you are considering pursuing your program at another institution for a short time as part of your research training, it may be necessary to appoint an additional supervisor from that institution to ensure day to day supervision. You would still maintain contact with your panel chair at ANU.

Such arrangements require the written support of your supervisor, and approval from your Delegated Authority.  Sufficient time should be allowed for all of the appropriate arrangements to be made before your changed arrangements commence.

Absence of a supervisory chair

If you have only one supervisor on your supervisory panel, and that person is going to be absent from the University for more than one month, a replacement will need to be appointed prior to the departure of your supervisor. While contact when practicable would be maintained with your supervisor, the newly appointed supervisor would take on the role of panel chair and provide day-to-day supervision. 

If you have more than one supervisor on your panel, the remaining supervisor will normally assume responsibility as panel chair in the absence of the usual chair.

Where a sole supervisor on a supervisory panel is unable to continue in this role a replacement is to be nominated to the Delegated Authority as soon as practicable and if possible before the sole supervisor discontinues the role of supervisor.

These changes require the approval of the Delegated Authority.


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