Change Working Thesis Details

Change Working Thesis Details

As you work toward the submission and examination of your thesis you may wish to change your thesis details. Using the Manage My Degree eForms available through ISIS, you are able to update the Working Thesis Title, Thesis Abstract, Working Thesis Format and Intended Submission Date (ISD).

Working Thesis Title or Abstract

You can change your working title or abstract using the MMD-HDR eForm up until submission of your thesis. 

It is also possible to change the working title (only) as part of your HDR Milestones.

These changes do not require approval from your Primary Supervisor or Delegated Authority.

After completing the relevant eForm your student record will reflect the changes you have made. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you as well as your Primary Supervisor.

Working Thesis Format

Up to six months before completing the Notification of Intent to submit (NOI) you are able to request a change to the working thesis format. This process requires approval from your Primary Supervisor and Delegated Authority. It is important to speak with your Primary Supervisor, Delegated Authority, or HDR Administrator before requesting a change to your thesis format. Please see for more information.

The available thesis formats are:

Standard Format - This is a written thesis comprising of a maximum of 100,000 words for a Doctor of Philosophy thesis or a maximum of 60,000 words for a Master of Philosophy or Professional Doctorate thesis.

Thesis by Compilation - A thesis by compilation includes papers (e.g. articles, chapters), where you are the sole or joint author, which are in the process of being prepared or approved for publication, have been accepted for publication, or have been published. Only in exceptional circumstances will approval be given to a candidate for a Master of Philosophy or Professional Doctorate to submit a thesis by compilation.

Thesis by Creative Work - A thesis by creative work is an original work which includes one or more of the following: a multimedia or digital work, a film, an exhibition, a performance, a musical composition, a novel, a play, a series of poems, creative art work or other works considered acceptable by the Delegated Authority. This is also accompanied by a written thesis.

Thesis by Alternative Format - A thesis is in an alternative format if it consists of, or includes, video recordings, film or other works of visual or sonic arts, computer software, digital material or other non-written material.

A change to Standard format does not require approval from your Primary Supervisor or Delegated Authority. All other formats will require approval.

Step 1

Speak to your Primary Supervisor, Delegated Authority, or HDR Administrator regarding your wish to change thesis format.

Step 2

Request the change to your thesis format via the Manage My Degree eForm. Provide a statement of justification for the change of format. If you select to change thesis format to Thesis by Compilation make sure that you are able to provide as much information as possible regarding the publication(s) that will be included in your thesis.

Step 3

For all format changes other than Standard format, once your eForm has been submitted your Primary Supervisor will be prompted to provide endorsement of your request to change thesis format.

Step 4

The Delegated Authority will consider your request together with your Primary Supervisor endorsement statement.

Step 5

You will be notified of an outcome via e-mail. If approved you will be notified and the change will be automatically included in your student record. If the change is not approved you will receive a notification with the reasons provided by the Delegated Authority.

Intended submission date

This action is only available in the Manage My Degree eForm once you have confirmed your Intended Submission Date (ISD) by providing your Notification of Intent to submit your thesis (NOI). You can use this eForm to notify the University of your intention to submit your thesis on a new date. This change does not require approval. You must ensure that your new ISD is before your Maximum Submission Date for your program. If required you can also use the Manage my Degree eForm to request a Program Extension

Please note that changing your ISD will impact on your program timeframes. When you change the ISD, your Primary Supervisor, Delegated Authority, HDR Administrator, EGAP and all your Examiners (if appointed) will be notified of this change.
