Academic Board news – Meeting: 1/2023 – 7 March 2023

07 Mar 2023

Academic Board News  

Meeting 1/2023

7 March 2023


Academic Board held its first meeting of the year on 7 March 2023.

Report from the Vice-Chancellor

The Vice-Chancellor discussed key items contained in his report with members, including; Vice-Chancellor's announced departure - selection and transition process; an update on the University Accord process; international travel and government engagement; incoming international and domestic student cohorts; ANU and The Voice to Parliament and relevant considerations.

Report from the Chair

Since the last Academic Board meeting there had been two out of session approvals; Item 1 English and Mathematics Admission Requirement and Item 2 Student Assessment and Coursework Policy and Procedure ECA Changes.

ANU Collections Report

The Board heard about the '2023 Vision for the Collections' and challenges associated with the management of collection material, which a newly proposed management team will seek to address. Members discussed the importance of recognising the workload associated with management of collections across the University and the impacts of ANU collections can have in promoting cross institutional engagement and increasing alumni engagement.

Strategic Research Initiatives Governance Framework

Board received details on the strategic research initiatives framework, a model for governance that has been designed to achieve operational excellence in the delivery of strategic research initiatives. During discussions it was noted the provision of sufficient support is key to achieving broad strategic objectives. In endorsing the governance framework members noted the importance of the work and thanked the team for producing a well-considered and valuable framework.

Australian Universities Accord

Academic Board discussed the Universities Accord Discussion paper with specific focus on questions relating to academic governance and student experience. Members noted the University's need for distinct elements of governance that do not apply to other Universities. Through consideration of the discussion paper, ANU is being encouraged to think about ideas that serve the wider University-sector system. Key themes throughout the discussion were, drivers and incentives for longer-term funding opportunities, the need to maintain academic autonomy and the preservation of ANU identity.

English and Mathematics Admission Requirement

Academic Board approved the delay of the implementation of the English and Mathematics Admission Requirement out of session on 7 February 2023. The deliberation on this matter necessitated a further conversation on the consideration of the admission requirements at AB1/2023. Discussion was focused on three options; abandon the requirement, set a date for re-introduction or provide any instruction on modification of the requirement. In deliberations Board members agreed that additional detailed analysis of data was required to inform decision making. Board approved the establishment of a DÌìÃÀ´«Ã½A working group to source and undertake analysis of data, and report findings to Academic Board.

Other matters

Academic Board also considered other significant matters, including: Ethics Committee Annual Reports, Attributes of an ANU Vice-Chancellor, University Research Committee Charter Amendments and the ANU Approach to AI in Teaching and Learning.