Friends of the ANU Classics Museum

Established in 1985, the Friends of the ANU Classics Museum aim to promote the interests of the Museum and encourage interest in antiquity in the wider community.

The Friends organise lectures on the culture of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds and its manifestations in our own world and raise funds to purchase items for the collection and to support it in practical ways.

The Classics Museum, established in 1962, displays a range of items that provide fascinating insights into the cultural practices of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds.

The collection, which is open to the public, spans the Mediterranean and beyond. It features examples of ancient art and objects of daily life from Greece and the Roman world, including Egypt and the Near East.

The museum's areas of strength include domestic items, writing and commemoration, southern Italian pottery, and drama.

From very modest beginnings, the collection has steadily grown through the years with the support of ANU and University House, and with loans from the Australian National Gallery, the Parliament House Art Collection, and former students and members of the community who have acquired classical antiquities and wish to make them available to a wider audience.

The  has played a vital role in acquiring artefacts for the collection. If you wish to become a Friend, please send an email to

Since it was founded under the guidance of Professor Richard Johnson, the Classics Museum has always been intended as a teaching resource. Students of Classics and Ancient History use the collection in the course of their studies, as do students from Art History, Archaeology, and the ANU School of Art.

The Friends of the Classics Museum have played a vital role in supporting the Museum. This endowment provides funds for the purchase of items for the collection, supports lectures on the cultures of the ancient Greeks and Romans and their manifestations in our own world, and for any purpose connected with furthering the aims of the Friends.

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