Gender Equity Working Group

ANU Gender Equity Strategy Consultation

天美传媒 National University (ANU) has made a commitment to diversity and inclusion as a part of the ANU Strategic Plan 2021-2025 (ANU 2025). Pillar 4 of ANU 2025 states the University's intention to become a 'standard-bearer for equity and inclusion'. In light of this goal, the Gender Equity Plan Taskforce has developed a first draft of the University's first Gender Equity Strategy (GES) in collaboration with key stakeholders.  

Feedback from the University community was accepted between 17April and 5 May 2023. This feedback will directly inform changes to the plan, and the final version will be submitted to the University's Senior Management Group for approval. The plan is expected to be finalised by mid-2023, at which time it will be available for all to view. 

The Gender Equity Working Group

The objective of the Working Group is to assist with strategic development, implementation of actions and the reporting cycle of the Gender Equity Working Group as part of the University's commitment to the creation of an inclusive, diverse, equitable and accessible study, work and living environment as part of the ANU IDEA Governance Framework. The ANU IDEA Governance Framework takes a whole-of-community approach to foster a healthy working, learning and living environment for students, staff and visitors.

Terms of Reference

To assist in the implementation, evaluation, reporting and review of the SAGE Athena SWAN Action Plan and expansion to a broader Gender Equity Action Plan/Strategy designed to enhance the university experience, including evaluation of outcomes and reporting to the IDEA Oversight Committee.

  • To coordinate activities across the University sharing ideas and initiatives to promote the Gender Equity Action Plan/Strategy and initiatives.
  • Advocate for the Gender Equity Action Plan and initiatives with the ANU community and beyond.
  • Provide a forum to facilitate information flow and debate on the Gender Equity initiatives within the University and between senior executive officers and the wider University community.
  • Provide feedback and advice on the implications of policies, programs and services on the Gender Equity Action Plan, identifying gaps, opportunities and recommend additional actions.
  • Oversee and provide guidance on the Athena SWAN Bronze to Silver Pathway.



CategoryMemberTerm expiry
Chair TBC
Director, People and Culture Division or nominee Pip Cantrall Ex-officio
Planning and Service Performance Division representative Jason Mazanov Ex-officio
Facilities and Services Division representative Sylvia Mansell Ex-officio
Convenor of the Gender Institute Associate Professor Fiona Jenkins Ex-officio
Champions of Change, Implementation Leader Chris Price Ex-officio
PARSA Women's Officer Nansun (Nancy) Zhang Ex-officio
ANUSA Women's Officer Phoebe Denham Ex-officio
STEM Research School representative Anne Aimola Davies
HASS Research School representative Vacant
Residential Experience representative Felicity Gouldthorp
ANU Communications and Engagement representative Ed O'Daly
CASS representatives Dr Joanna Sikora
Andrea Morris
CAP representatives Helen Sullivan
CBE representatives Dr Sally Curtis
Dr Jananie William
CECC representative Professor Meredith Nash
CHM representatives Vacant
CoL representative Anne McDuff
CoS representative Dr Pierre Portal

Reference Documents

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